1977 Bösendorfer Imperial

1977 Bösendorfer Imperial
The incomparable Bosendorfer Imperial concert grand is a top contender for that lofty goal - finest piano in the world. At a length of 9ft. 6in. and with 97 keys it is truly a remakable instrument.
This beautiful example was built in Vienna in 1977 and comes to us from long ownership here in the SF Bay Area. It is in superb condition with polished ebony finish and immaculate ivory keys.
The cost for a new Imperial model is well over $200,000 (Bosendorfer was recently bought by Yamaha) but this imposing insturment can be had for a small fraction of that amount. Those who have been fortunate enough to play one of these rare models will concur - it has a sound like no other piano.
Length 9ft. 6in. Serial number 31910.